Distributed Antenna Sytems by PBE Axell

PBE Spider Enhanced DAS Wireless Coverage

PBE Axell enhances wireless coverage and improves user experience with advanced, scalable, multi-operator distributed antenna system (DAS) solutions. PBE Axell keeps millions of users around the globe connected every day with cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to deliver customised wireless coverage solutions for businesses and organisations across a wide-range of industries. With a focus on reliability, flexibility, and innovation, PBE Axell DAS solutions stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly-evolving world of wireless communication.

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PBE Spider DAS Project References

PBE Axell operates globally in the provision of advanced wireless coverage and capacity delivery systems, producing innovative, cost-effective and robust solutions that address market requirements for improved connectivity, greater capacity and better user experience

Other Coverage Extension Projects

APAC: Australia, Burkina-Faso, Cambodia, Congo, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morrocco,Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, The Maldives, The Philippines, Vietnam and Zambia.

EMEA: Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia, The Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, The Netherlands, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.

The Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Equador, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles, Peru, USA and Venezuela